In search of the white wine emoji

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The ask: The Engine is Red (award-winning creative agency, San Francisco Bay Area) recruited me as lead writer to concept what would be slated as Kendall Jackson’s international campaign for white wine awareness.

There is no white wine emoji. The wine industry wants one.
We rallied.

The work: We concepted and presented three campaign ideas to KJ, then combined points of two concepts to fine-tune a unified, omni-channel campaign we could bring to the world.

The result: The campaign garnered international participation from partners in the wine industry, top tier press, a sit-down with Unicode, and a glass all-the-way-full of passionate people sharing #whitewineemoji content.

There’s still no white wine emoji. Sad face. But Kendall Jackson goes unrivaled as the top (and most delicious) white wine producer in the country.

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